Emergency Repairs for Neighbors Learning, Job Searching and Sheltering in Place

May 18, 2020
by Katy Martin, Senior Manager, Marketing and Communications at Rebuilding Together National

The current economic downturn has devastated the lives of many of our neighbors. Millions have lost income, which means they will have to consider whether they really have enough money after putting food on the table and buying needed medicine to fix the broken water heater, to repair the heating or cooling system in their home, or to patch the roof that is leaking.

Now more than ever, children need a safe home to focus on learning, their parents need to be able to focus on finding a new job and not worry about losing their home, and older adults need to be able to shelter in place.

No one should have to choose between putting food on the table and having a roof over their head.

As a nonprofit organization, Rebuilding Together solves many of those problems at no cost to neighbors who qualify. The repairs allow our neighbors to shelter in place with decreased hazard risks and stress.

For our older neighbors, having a safe home will reduce hospital visits and delay having to move into assisted living. For children, it means they can focus on learning. For their parents, it means they can focus on finding a new job and not worry about losing their home.

What does having a safe home mean to you?

If you have not lost income during this time, please consider supporting emergency repairs for neighbors learning, job searching and sheltering in place:
