start a local affiliate

About Rebuilding Together Affiliates 

Each Rebuilding Together affiliate is an independent, local, 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. As such it has its own board of directors, maintains a level of flexibility and autonomy in its operations, and operates under a partnership agreement with Rebuilding Together that includes annual payment of dues. We value the community experience and expertise that our affiliates bring to their programming. Through our frameworks of Safe and Healthy Housing and Community Revitalization Partnerships, our affiliates and nearly 100,000 volunteers complete nearly 10,000 rebuild projects nationwide annually. 

Value of Affiliation

Rebuilding Together’s national office exists as a resource for affiliates and provides support and direction to them to help fulfill the organization’s overall mission. As new affiliates are forming, we are here to guide them along the path to affiliation. We have laid out a process that walks groups through the necessary steps in an orderly and meaningful fashion. We provide them with manuals, templates, forms and our expertise to assist as they move through the affiliation process. Once officially an affiliate, they have access to a wide range of additional resources such as: an affiliate only website; educational webinars on nonprofit management; Rebuilding Together programs and best practices; access to information sharing with other established affiliates; ability to apply for competitive pass-through corporate grants; marketing and communications templates and support; an invitation to our annual training conference; and fundraising support and guidance to name but a few. The national office works hard to develop opportunities for affiliates to obtain funding for their projects. However, funding is not guaranteed and each affiliate is responsible for building their donor and financial base locally.

Interested in bringing the mission of Rebuilding Together to your community? Find the best of our two options:

Launch a new Rebuilding Together affiliate in your community. Applications accepted January through April.

[Re]Brand by changing your existing organization into a Rebuilding Together affiliate.

Need a bit more information?

Visit FAQ Page