What is National Rebuilding Month?

National Rebuilding Month is an annual month-long call to service during April, culminating with National Rebuilding Day, the last Saturday of the month. Throughout April, Rebuilding Together affiliates and volunteers will serve veterans, older adults, families and neighbors recovering from natural disasters by providing them with a variety of essential health and safety home repairs. Rebuilding Together provides these repairs at zero-cost to neighbors in need, who are often faced with diminishing resources and must choose food and medicine over critical home repairs.

National Rebuilding Day is the culmination of a year of planning, training and mobilizing thousands of community volunteers. It is embraced by community leaders, and corporate and community partners as a way of bringing immediate, large-scale impact to communities across the country in a single day. National Rebuilding Day is held the last Saturday in April to honor the history of our founding. This year it is on Saturday, April 26, 2025.

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Celebrate National Rebuilding Day

Get involved this April...

  • Volunteer with your local affiliate to repair homes and revitalize communities.
  • Share the word about Rebuilding Together on social media using #RebuildingMonth.
  • Donate to help make this work possible.
  • Advocate for Rebuilding Together in your local community. 

Use #RebuildingMonth on Social Media to Join the Conversation

  • Want to share your National Rebuilding Month story on social media? Use #RebuildingMonth in your posts so we can see!
  • Want to stay up to date on the work happening in communities across the country this April? Follow our social media channels and stay tuned to see the impact [Re]Builders are making.

History of National Rebuilding Month

National Rebuilding Month originated in 1973 in Midland, Texas with volunteers teaming up to help a neighbor rebuild their home. The group eventually founded Rebuilding Together, once named “Christmas in April,” and gathered around a month of service each year in April. The mission quickly grew beyond the idea of providing service one month per year to bringing volunteers together to provide neighbors in need with critical repairs year-round. Today, Rebuilding Together affiliates are finding creative ways to move the mission forward safely and continue serving neighbors in need of home repairs.


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