Donor-advised funds

Recommend a gift to Rebuilding Together

If you have a DAF, giving to Rebuilding Together is simple. Just log into your DAF account using the form below and recommend a grant to “Rebuilding Together Inc.” (EIN: 52-1585880). Be sure to include our full legal name and tax ID number to ensure the donation is processed correctly. Your generous support makes a lasting impact on our work and the communities we serve!

If your donor-advised fund financial institution is not listed below please contact your adviser directly to make your recommendation.


What is a donor-advised fund?
A donor-advised fund (DAF) is a charitable giving account that allows you to make a tax-deductible contribution, invest the funds for potential growth and recommend grants to your favorite nonprofits over time. You can combine the most favorable tax benefits with the flexibility to easily support Rebuilding Together and other charitable organizations through cash, appreciated securities and other assets.

Stock Gifts

Donating stock to Rebuilding Together (EIN: 52-1585880)

Donating stock is a powerful way to support Rebuilding Together’s work. To receive tax benefits while helping neighbors stay safe in their beloved homes, see the instructions below. 

We accept stock gifts via electronic transfer and physical certificates. Please notify us about your intention to transfer stock to Rebuilding Together by contacting Varya Zhigilei at for further information. 

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