At Rebuilding Together, we believe everyone should be given the opportunity to live in a safe and healthy home, especially our veterans and their families.

Veterans at Home provides no-cost preventive home modifications and repairs to veterans and their families to improve safety and accessibility, increase independence and facilitate aging-in place. Rebuilding Together aims to amplify the efforts of federal programs, by bridging the gap in available services for our veterans. We offer assistance by working with our local affiliates across the country to provide:

  • Home accessibility modifications and repairs
  • Safe and healthy, whole-home rehabilitation
  • Reconstruction and revitalization of nonprofits and community centers that serve veterans and their families

Too many Americans who once wore our nation’s uniform, and sacrificed for our country, now live in substandard housing and are at severe risk of homelessness. The need for sustainable, safe and healthy housing for veterans is dire. According to the U.S. Census Bureau:

  • Today, about 18 million Americans are veterans–and most are homeowners (75.6 percent).
  • Even though veterans are less likely to experience poverty than the general population, about 1.5 million veterans still live below the federal poverty level—a number that represents an increase from that recorded in 2000.About 61% of the 1.1 million older veterans living below the poverty line have a disability, often connected to their military service.
  • Over 38% of post 9/11 veterans return home with a service-connected disability and face housing accessibility challenges as they transition from military to civilian life

Since 2010, Rebuilding Together has completed over 10,500 veterans rebuild projects. Working with volunteers, corporate partners and community organizations we are proud to serve those who have sacrificed to serve their own families, community and country.


Our Impact

Repairs from Rebuilding Together make significant improvements in the lives of veterans. Read more in our latest Veterans Impact Report.

Mari and Ladd's Story: Helping a Veteran Stay Safe and Healthy at Home

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