Safely Aging In Place with Ferguson
Carolyn, a devoted mother of three, moved to her home in Richmond’s Southside a decade ago to care for her parents, who have since passed. She loves the life she has built here with her family, feels deeply connected to her community and takes great pride in her home.
Over time, the home she built to care for her family needed critical repairs that she was unable to make on her own. The exterior handrails and railings were rotting and she felt unsafe because of the locks and doorknobs that were no longer secure. Carolyn wanted to keep her home, so after doing everything she could, reached out to Rebuilding Together Richmond to see if we could help.Last week as part of National Rebuilding Month, we worked with volunteers from Ferguson to provide essential home repairs for Carolyn, including replacing the dry-rotted exterior railings and handrails as well as installing new doorknobs and locks. These repairs helped increase the health and safety of her home, preserve it so it can be passed down to the next generation of her family and help her age in place for years to come.
Carolyn is ecstatic about the home repairs taking place saying, “You just made my day!” when told about the volunteer team helping.
With support from the Ferguson Cares program, neighbors in eight communities nationwide will receive critical repairs as part of their commitment to build long-lasting, purposeful partnerships, providing more than just a product or a donation. Together, we are collaborating to help neighbors remain where they love, as we work towards safe and healthy homes and communities for everyone.