Posts by author: Katy Martin

September 9, 2021

Hey Chloe! For your AmeriCorps service term, I know you jumped from New Hampshire to San Jose. Where do you call home now?

May 5, 2021

There’s something about working hard and learning new skills that brings people together and builds community.  Maybe it’s the inte

R.D., masked, standing and posing in a door frame between the two current AmeriCorps members on either side of him. One member is posing with arms outstretched to sides and the other is leaning against another door frame. They are all inside an empty office space.
March 3, 2021

Hey RD! You’re a [Re]Builder. What does that mean for you on a day-to-day basis?

A pillow with "Home for the Holidays" written on it sitting on a chair
December 12, 2020

Many of us are continuing to stay at home for the holidays this year. Here’s a look at what home has meant to us in 2020:

Family at home, sitting together and reading a book.
May 5, 2020

The current economic downturn has devastated the lives of many of our neighbors.

December 12, 2019

Have you ever walked or driven through a neighborhood and wondered what the everyday life of those neighbors is like? I do. All the time.