Home safety modifications like grab bars might seem insignificant or simple when discussing housing solutions.
Last week, Rebuilding Together North Jersey and
Carolyn, a devoted mother of three, moved to her home in Richmond’s Southside a decade ago to care for her parents, who have since passed.
Through our years of working with community members, we know just how much a comfortable, secure home means for good mental health and emotional resiliency.
Susan wanted to stay in her home and community, but Susan never envisioned getting “stuck in place."
As Shirletha's health worsened, it became harder to stay active and involved. An aging house just added to the burden.
Rebuilding Together’s Training Institute took place in Philly this year, hosted by Rebuilding Together Philadelphia, and sev
Being involved with Rebuilding Together Twin Cities for more than 20 years, I’ve met many of our neighbors. When I pass houses, I always remember those we’ve repaired and the wonderful residents that live there. More than a few stories stick out to me, but the story of Marshall is probably one I will remember forever.
Even during a pandemic, Rebuilding Together Sandoval County and community partners worked to return an older man to his home after being forced out of the house for building code violations.